Sunday, November 30, 2008

Clinical texts

Here are some books on the Lacanian clinic (I am including only the ones available in English):

Why a blog on the clinic?

The title of this site in a way speaks for itself. There are many sites already on Lacan by Lacanians and even by non-Lacanians focused mainly on the application of psychoanalytic theory in practically all fields (literature, art, philosophy, film studies, etc.). But there are very few (if there are) that focus on the clinic. The plan is modest: simply to do some on-going reading of Lacanian texts that are focused on the clinic, on published cases, on how Lacanians and Freudians conduct this thing called psychoanalysis. We will be reading writings by Lacan and Freud and by Lacanians like Bruce Fink, Paul Verhaeghe, J-A Miller, Dany Nobus, Raul Moncayo to name a few. Already, the mention of these books and authors makes this project look huge! We'll proceed slowly, more likely one author/book at a time. My first task these next few days is come up with a reading list. So stay tuned!